johnj.jpgAsterisk Tips/Fixes/Features

by John Johnson

These are various Asterisk how-to items I have found/developed over the last few years. Feel free to use or share them, I look forward to adding more as I am able to compile them into a share-able format from my own notes.    

“Experience is what you don’t get until just after you needed it.”



 Using the sound card in your Asterisk server as a paging output (provides real-time paging, no “delay).

By John Johnson 8/20/2011


Following are the instructions for using the soundcard output in your Asterisk server for paging. I have done this successfully with several different main board/sound card combination. The output from most sound cards is pretty low powered, it must be connected to some sort of an amplifier to push overhead speakers, I have a couple running through Valcom  and Bogen overhead systems. This is a handy low-cost implementation for somebody that already has overhead speakers/amplifier in place.


First make sure the soundcard is enabled in the BIOS and functioning.

Next edit /etc/asterisk/modules.conf and find the line:

noload =>”

and change it to

“load =>”


Then edit /etc/asterisk/oss.conf and make sure it containg the following lines (it doesn’t need anything else, so just replace everything else you find in there with these lines);








Then within the FreePBX interface add the extension to be dialed to actuate paging as an "Other(Custom)Device" type extension. In the “This device uses custom technology. dial” field, enter "console/dsp" (without the quotes) and save the new extension. (This extension can be dialed directly to output to through the soundcard and to the overhead and it can be included in “paging groups” with other types of extensions)


Finally, from a linux prompt as root perform the following commands to make sure the modified oss.conf will work;

cd to /etc/asterisk

chmod 0777 oss.conf {enter}

chown asterisk:asterisk oss.conf {enter}

Then restart the system to make sure everything is properly read by asterisk.

You should now  be able to dial the extension you set up for paging and hear it come out via the soundcard (if, of course, you have some speakers connected!)


Upon system startup, from a linux command line prompt enter: alsamixer

This is the sound mixer control system, you can access “all” settings by pressing F5. Only some settings are required to be enabled, (the “mute” function is toggled by moving to the setting and pressing “m”). This requires some “fiddling around” to get the sound right, so be prepared to play with it for a while. It seemed easiest to connect a set of amplified PC speakers and pre-adjust the sound with those before connecting to the overhead speakers and blasting the whole building right off the bat. Final adjustments can then be made on the overhead paging amplifier.


The following are some of the references I used to work the above out:

