instructions are for adding Hylafax
Modems to a PIAF Incredible PBX with existing fax modems
SetUp “Fax Machine” Extension in FreePBX
In FreePBX, Setup, Extensions, Add Extension, add a Generic IAX2 Device.
Create the extension with the following
Display Name: Bob’s Fax (Give
it a Descriptive Name)
Outbound CID: As appropriate
Secret: An Appropriate STRONG
Create new IAX Modem
Next, we create the new iaxmodem in /etc/iaxmodem.We
need to make a copy of one of the existing iaxmodem-cfg.ttyIAX files, and edit it to suit our needs. Copy one of the
files to your desktop, and then rename the file to the next modemin the series. We will be naming the file:
Make sure that when you name the
files, you match the case exactly as the other are done, or this won’t work at all.
Open the file and edit the following lines as indicated. Do Not Change any
other lines.
device /dev/ttyIAX4 <=== This
is the 4th modem
port 4574 <=== This must
match the port used when the FreePBX Fax Modem
extension was created
peername xxx <=== Fax Extension number created in FreePBX
cidname B. Jones <===The Caller ID Name sent from this Fax
cidnumber 1234567890 <=== The Caller ID Number sent from this
Fax Machine
secret 274329 <=== This is
the secret used in the FreePBX fax extension created in FreePBX for this
Save your changes, and copy the file to /etc/iaxfaxmodems
Update initab
Using your favorite editor, modify the file /etc/inittab.
Look at the bottom of the file and you will se
the lines added for the other virtual modems, add a line that looks like
t4:23:respawn:/usr/sbin/faxgetty ttyIAX4 > /var/log/iaxmodem/iaxmodem.log
And Save your changes.
Logged in as root, run faxaddmodem
When you are prompted for the
modem name, enter: ttyIAX4
Answer the remaining prompts as
appropriate for your installation.
Add the Modem to AvantFax
Still logged into the Avantfax UI as the super admin user, and Select MODEMS from the drop down box.
Make a new modem with the
following characteristics:
Device = ttyIAX4 (case EXACT)
Alias = ttyIAX4 (Or,
alternately, a friendly name like “Bobs Fax”
Contact = the email address that
every fax received on this virtual fax machine will be sent to
Category = Bobs Faxes
Click on CREATE when you have
the characteristics as desired.
Fix the HylaFAX Modem Device File
Using your favorite Editor,
locate and open the file: /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config.ttyIAX4
To the bottom of this file, add
the following lines:
## AvantFAX
FaxRcvdCmd: bin/faxrcvd.php
DynamicConfig: bin/dynconf.php
UseJobTSI: true
JobReqNoAnswer: 180
JobReqNoCarrier: 180
Save your changes.
Its now time to reboot your
system – so all the configs will take place correctly.
These instructions taken from: